The Wildcats get their 1st team win tonight against Celina!
1st singles Cale Harshfield (10) fell to Jack Zhang 1-6 0-6.
2nd singles Braylon Smith (11) fell to Rylan Chapman 0-6 3-6.
3rd singles Wyatt Campbell (10) defeated Josh Schoen 6-0 6-1.
1st doubles Adam Coffman (12) and Micah Bowman (10) defeated Brady Sapp and Aaron Doseck 6-3 7-6 (10-8).
2nd doubles Seth Spencer (10) and Tate Ketcham (09) defeated Liner Bolkeim and Christian Fent 6-0 6-1.
The Wildcats will be back in action tomorrow at Shawnee.
Written by: WKTN Staff
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