The Kenton Lady Wildcats defeated LCC in their season opener by a score of 55-22. The Lady Wildcats were led in scoring by Sidney Payne with 15 points. Sadie Larrabee had 14 points and 16 rebounds. Liv Nolting had 6 points, 6 assists, 5 steals, and 0 turnovers. Macee Heckathorn had 9 points and 6 rebounds. Kinze Sprang had 8 points and 3 steals. Alexis Ratliff had 9 rebounds. The win was a great team effort and all who played contributed to the win. The Cats are 1-0 on the year and will travel to 2-0 Allen East on Thursday November 30th at 6pm.
Written by: WKTN Staff
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