The Lady Cats lost the lead late in an 8-5 defeat to St. Mary’s on Monday. The game was tied at five with St. Mary’s batting in the top of the seventh when Addy VanDeKeere doubled on a 0-2 count, scoring two runs.
The wildcats lost despite out-hitting St. Mary’s eight to six.The Lady Cats fired up the offense in the first inning, when an error scored one run for Lady Cats. Macee Heckathorn then launched her 5th homerun of the season to put the cats up 3-0 in the bottom of the 1st.
In the bottom of the sixth inning, The wildcats tied things up at five when Brayla Butler doubled on a 1-0 count, scoring one run.
The Lady Cats tallied eight hits in the game. Emily Pees, Heckathorn, and Butler each collected multiple hits for Lady Cats. Pees went 3-for-4 at the plate to lead The wildcats in hits.
Written by: WKTN Staff
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