Wildcats fell the WBL leader Shawnee in 3 sets, 5-25, 13-25, 15-25.
Brynn Bulter lead scoring and defense with 5 points, 2aces, 29 receptions and 14 digs.
Morgan Lyons added 4 points, 2 aces, 2 blocks and 5 assists. Mya Good tallied 5 kills, 17 receptions and 12 digs. Macee Heckathorn contributed 4 kills and 2 blocks.
Kenton’s JV squad lost in 2 sets, 18-25, 7-25
Wildcat Freshman were defeated 20-25, 15-25.
The Wildcats will travel to Dola Wednesday to take on the Hardin Northern Polar Bears.
Written by: WKTN Staff
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