The Wildcats fell to the RoughRiders 18-25, 13-25, 15-25.
Morgan Lyons lead scoring with 5 points along with 2 kills and 6 digs.
Macee Heckathorn tallied 5 kills and 3 blocks.
Defensively Brynn Butler leas with 23 receptions and 9 digs. Mya Good had 4 kills, 21 receptions and 8 digs. Cailyn Hopkins scored 3 kills, 14 receptions and 6 digs.
Kenton’s JV squad lost in 3, 15-25, 25-23, 7-25
Kenton Freshman squad earned a big WBL win in 3 sets, 25-14, 12-25, 25-17.
The Wildcats will celebrate Senior Night as they take on Van Wert.
Written by: WKTN Staff
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