Lilly Carmean fell to 2023 state qualifier, Ava Patel, 0-6, 0-6. Amanda Van Horn lost to Brailynn Murphy 0-6, 0-6. Presley Wilson dropped a hard fought match to Alivia Mack 6-7 (5-7), 4-6.
Lydia Lambert and McKenna Stanforth lost to Briley Ryan and Norah Mulder 6-7, 2-6. Marissa Fox and Katie Lowe also lost a close match to Shawnee’s Leah Fuller and Keely Basil, 4-6, 3-6.
Kenton is back in action on Wednesday, 8/21/24 at Fostoria for a 4:45 pm match.
Written by: WKTN Staff
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