
Hardin County Ag Society Releases Minutes of Oct Meeting

todayOctober 3, 2019 10

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The Hardin County Agricultural Society met Wednesday, October 2, 2019, for their October board meeting. Nineteen directors were present and seventeen guests were present.

Corey Ledley, Board President, called the meeting to order.

Sonny Ward questioned the honey judging and the honey categories. Paul Ralston stated he wants that judging to be done with the fruits and vegetables, so he took his advisement.
Austin Eibling, Jeff Spearman, Amanda Iiams, and Justin Light were present to show their interest in running for fair board director in November.
Amanda Holland, representing the rabbit exhibitors, expressed her concern over communication with the rabbit exhibitors, needing fans in the rabbit barn and needing racks to put the cages on when cleaned.
Bob & Kelly Carder stated they had many good comments about the Open Class Horse Show on Saturday of the fair and donated money in memory of Taylor’s Way to the Horse Barn electric fund. They also expressed their interest in doing the Open Class Horse Show again next year. The board agreed to allow the Carders, along with Alecia Martin, run the Open Class Horse Show for the 2020 fair. Having this approved sooner, than later, will allow time for the show bill to be in the fair book.
Jolene Buchenroth expressed her interest in forming a new group and having a show with these kids, called the Challenge Champions. The idea is to pair a special needs child up with 2 exhibitors who already show animals and have those exhibitors help the special needs child show during a special show. Jolene Buchenroth was given the approval to go ahead with this new program.
Roger Crowe thanked the fair board for getting their budget to the Commissioners in a timely manner.

Thank You’s were read from Alli & Lane Undewood and Samantha & Cain Sullivan.

The executive committee minutes were approved.

Kelly Buchenroth, Ground’s Chairman, stated winter storage has begun at $25 a month for vehicles and $10 per linear foot for boats, trailers, campers, RV’s, etc. Building inventory was distributed for all directors to start. It was noted the caretaker’s house front porch has been poured. A new water leak has been discovered and will be taken care of in the spring.

It was noted there are now over 50 people on the fair camping waiting list.

Rob Wilson gave a report on how well the entertainment did during the fair. For the most part all grandstand entertainment did well during the fair, except with the exception of the concert. Free entertainment on the grounds was received well.

There are currently 36 buyers who still owe $32,772.88 from the Jr. Fair Livestock Sale. When that number goes down, is when checks can start to be written to livestock exhibitors.

Janie Seiler, chairman of rides & concessions, stated Durant Amusements had a profit of $76,791. Their best day was Saturday and worse day was Sunday of the fair. She also stated a 3 year contract with Pepsi has been signed.

Sherri Beale, advisor for the JR. Fair Board, stated they are currently working on a strategic plan of their own.

Jack McBride read Kolt Buchenroth’s report for marketing, communication and technology. A second monitor has been purchased for the swine barn.

The emergency board meeting minutes from fair week were approved as amended.
The board agreed to form a fair book committee.

Under old business:
The board moved to change the date of the November regular board meeting to Saturday, Nov. 2nd – following the Annual meeting in the Arts/Crafts Building. The fair board director election is also scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 2nd from 3-7pm. Premium money for all Jr Fair and Open Class exhibitors can still be picked up in the Secretary’s Office during regular business hours. Petitions for fair directors are due by Friday, Oct. 25th at 4pm. Season tickets can be exchanged for membership tickets until Oct. 15th.

Under new business:
Judi Cronley discussed how the 2019 fair did financially, but there are still several bills that haven’t been received. There will be a legal ad and article about the fair board election in the Kenton Times, on our website and sent to all current membership holders, if an address or email address was given upon purchase of their membership ticket. Janie Seiler, Paul Ralston, Jack McBride, Don Spar and Kelly Buchenroth stated they would be the judges and clerks for the Director Election. The board agreed to request the 2020 Ohio fairs fund money. There was discussion about not using membership tickets as admission tickets and that discussion will be discussed more at the Annual Meeting on Nov. 2nd at 7:30pm. The board agreed to apply for the PEP safety grant. Surveillance cameras will be asked for in the grant. The board also moved to apply for the $10,000 matching grant from the Ohio Harness Horseman’s Association for sound in the grandstand. Another motion was made to go ahead with purchasing sound for the derby area. Dale Cockerell and Christa Rarey moved to nominate Patti and Gary Casteel as our outstanding fair supporters during the Ohio Fair Manager’s convention in January. Motion passed.
Don Spar and Jeff Morris moved to go into executive session at 8:18pm. The regular board meeting reconvened at 8:31pm. $16,000 from the Consignment Sale money will be moved to the Capital Improvement Fund. The next board meeting will be Saturday, November 2 at 7:30pm in the Arts/Crafts Building, following the Annual Meeting. The Fair Board’s reorganizational meeting will follow the regular board meeting.

Written by: WKTN Staff

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