
Minutes of Kappa Chapter Meeting Released

todaySeptember 22, 2022 72

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Sue Alger

September 17, 2022

Kappa members of Delta Kappa Gamma Intl. met on Sept. 17 at 10 a.m. at Kenton’s Love INC (In the Name of Christ). Eleven members were introduced to Love INC’s Director Sue Alger by Norma Frederick. Alger has been the director for 6 years after retiring from Hardin Co. Hospice.

The purpose of Love INC is to act as a clearing house for providing various kinds of aid to those who are under privileged in Hardin County. Love INC combines efforts with churches, organizations, food pantries, service agencies, and individuals to find effective help for individuals and families to live a sustainable life. Love INC receives 70-80 calls a month, but the calls have been over 100 a month at times. Those in need can call 419-674-4651.

Alger has felt that the ministry could not easily exist without the help of volunteers such as Debbie Hamilton, Connie Steele, and former volunteer JoAnn Erwin. JoAnn’s Closet, a collection of shoes and clothes made available at Love INC, is named for this former volunteer. Love INC rents the space from the New Hope Fellowship Church on its east side. It is a short term homeless shelter for a few people. It can provide some selections of furniture and household appliances, too.

A variety of services are possible. A payment or partial payment of utilities or rent can be made if other sources are not available. An emergency food box can be provided until a food pantry is open. A food gift card for $10-$20 for perishables can be offered. Gas cards for job interviews or doctor appointments are only available with valid driver’s license and insurance. Personal hygiene, household cleaning items, some bedding, towels, washcloths, etc. are available or can be also arranged with help through Helping Hands, the Salvation Army of Hardin Co., St. Vincent de Paul, or county pantries.

The big stumbling block for the needy people are themselves. People either are not willing to complete the paperwork or are unable to understand what is needed to complete the forms. Volunteers are available to help with the forms. Love INC is open only part-time which is mostly Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday for now.

Alger would like to form classes as she has found clients needing the knowledge for normal household duties. Cooking classes and knowledge of nutrition would help clients to get fresh healthy food and not pre-made processed food that is microwaved. Laundry classes would be helpful as clients are prone to wear clothing until it is too dirty and thus only consider throwing it away.

Love INC could use more volunteers as well as various personal hygiene items among other needs. A tour of the building followed. Kappa members thanked Alger and left to have a luncheon meeting at Ralphie’s.

Following lunch, Co-Presidents Virginia Shellhouse and Kathy Lundy began the meeting with fun facts. They also thanked the hostess committee of Norma Frederick, Sandy Berry, Jean Kearns, and Shirley Spitler. Sec. Teresa Harris had sent her report digitally. Sandy Berry read a thank you from the Alpha Delta State Education Foundation. Virginia Shellhouse presented Elaine Hoover’s treasurer’s report which was filed for audit. She expects a budget to be ready for the October meeting. The auditing was completed on the treasurer’s books this summer and Hoover’s books were found to be excellent.

In other committees, Ann Frisch has sent the Kappa Kapers to our Kappa members and state officers. Discussion was presented in needing an idea to gain 1st and 2nd VP. It was tabled. It was explained that names of attendees were put in the jar and a name would be pulled in the future to provide a free membership for that winner. Charlotte Leeth provided a new email and cell phone number. Sandy Berry commented to use only the cell phone number to contact her from now on. A short discussion was made for when Kappa Chapter would provide for Open Door and Love INC. as well as for Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library. Donations for the African project and the brag/no pin bags were collected. Donna Myers reported that the number of DKG members has decreased in Ohio.

Shellhouse distributed the new information pages for the program book. She announced a change of hostesses for the December and May months. Kathy Lundy received the door prize.

Having no other business, the next meeting will be on October 8 at 10 am at Pick Wick Place at Bucyrus. The lunch will be at the cafe before the meeting. The committee is Patti Palmer, Linda Osborn, Lorrene Roberts, and Janine McMillan. The meeting was adjourned.

Written by: WKTN Staff

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