
Hardin Co. Retired Teacher Association Provides Minutes from Meeting

todayMay 25, 2023 253

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Pres. Madelyn Lowery welcomed 20 members of the Hardin Co. Retired Teacher Association and guest Jessica Hinson to the luncheon meeting at the Kenton Elks on May 19 at noon. Norma Frederick read Grace as sent from Chaplain Melanie Kindell before lunch. Sue Buroker and her volunteer staff were thanked for the delicious luncheon of breakfast casserole, fruit cup, beverages, and crumb cake. The HCRTA committee of Chr. Jean Kearns, Kim Thomas, Cheryl Hiller, and Joan Sullinger was thanked for the lovely arrangements. Donations were collected for Beatitudes at Ada.

Following the luncheon, Frederick introduced Associate ONU Professor of Pharmacy Jessica Hinson as the speaker. She has taught at ONU for 8 years and thus is well educated in the changes for the vaccines for Covid, pneumonia, and flu etc. She used a power point presentation to help all make notes as needed.

The available Covid vaccines are Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, Novavax, and Johnson & Johnson (J&J/Janssen). Of these, the J&J is now not recommended since there were around 4 deaths that might have been caused by the J&J so a health risk must be considered. The first three vaccines are designed in a particular way to trigger an immune response. The original vaccine series no longer matters. It is advised that an update for either Pfizer or Moderna since 9/2/22 should be taken. She advised to allow at least 4 months apart in getting an updated booster vaccine. One can contact your family doctor for any decision to be made. Ohio Northern University Pharmacy also can provide a vaccine.

There have been myths attached to the Covid vaccines. 1. Vaccines were developed too fast so the safety cannot be trusted. 2. The vaccine changes your DNA. 3. It makes you magnetic. 4. It contains microchips. 5. It interacts with 5G signals. 6. It makes women infertile. 7. You can get Covid-19 from the vaccine. 8. One can build a better immunity by getting Covid-19. These are very humorous, but too many people have believed that these are facts instead of checking with a doctor.

Cases of actual risks were stated. There have been allergic reactions but are rare. Flu-like symptoms are common such as fever, chills, tiredness, and headache and more common after multiple doses of a vaccine. There have been documented cases of heart damage but is rare in males age 12-39. The J&J had serious blood clots with low platelets but was rare. The J&J showed 4 cases per million of deaths as reported. It was stated that it was best to have longer intervals of time between boosters.

Hinson continued to the pneumonia updates. There are 4 pneumonia vaccines: PCV13, PCV15, PCV20, and PPSV23. PPSV or pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine contains just the outer part of the pneumonia bacteria. PCV or pneumococcal conjugate vaccine attaches that same outer portion to a vector protein. It is wise to ask one’s doctor to see what vaccine is more appropriate according to age and previous health concerns. I
The vaccine given could be specific for adults who have or have not had vaccines as compared to those for children. A question was asked about vaccines giving children autism. She denied that this was the reason for autism from the research done to this point.

Hinson advocated for a flu shot. She says the flu season is from October through May so an annual shot is wise. In fact, those vaccines for Covid-19, Tdap/Td (tetanus, diphtheria,& pertussis shots), shingles (shingrix), pneumonia, as well as flu are recommended. Always check with your personal physician for your needs.

The resources for further research were listed. Try the following to research on your (CDC), (CDC),, (WHO), and (Professional Immunization Org).

Lowery led attendees in thanking Hinson for the important vaccine information and began the meeting. Frederick read a message from Sandy Moore. Lowery suggested cards for Moore, Annette Ansley, Nancy Rickenbacher, and Melanie Kindell. Sec. Frederick read the minutes from April 21 which were accepted and filed. Treas. Joan Mouser had her report filed for audit. Mouser also read 2 thank you cards from the Mary Lou Johnson District Public Library and Forest Jackson Public Library for donations to their summer reading program.

Other committees added reports. The Scholarship total collected today was $110. Community volunteer hours totaled 120 hours. Reba Coats spoke about the special election in August to change a law. She saw no need of the extra expense for this election as it wants to change away from 51% majority since this is workable for Americans. She advised to vote no. Ruth Ann Poling has checked on those retiring at the county schools and will work to get invitations to retirees. She asks for everyone to invite anyone who is a Hardin Co. retired teacher. Ann McKinley informed about ORTA benefits.

It was reported in an STRS update that Gov. DeWine has dismissed and removed Wade Steen and appointed G. Brent Bishop as his replacement. Ohio’s teachers wait to see if this is an acceptable legal action. DeWine says he sympathizes with Ohio’s teacher retirees who have gotten no COLA for several years. His basic reasoning for the dismissal was that Steen had missed too many STRS board meetings. Steen was considered to be pro-reform so the concerns are mounting if any help for retired teachers will actually take place. It was suggested that our group should invite an STRS board member who is not for reforming STRS. We need to know what the thought process in allowing such huge bonuses to investment staff and not giving a COLA to retirees really is.

Lowery announced that the next meeting will be on September 15 at noon at the Kenton Elks with the committee of Chr. Sandy Berry, Pam Robinson, Joan Mouser, and Keitha Dugan. The speaker will be Dave Brutzer for his coppersmith art. Donations will be for Angels for the Elderly. Having no other business, Frederick read a prayer from Chaplain Melanie Kindell to close the meeting. The meeting was adjourned. All were wished safe travels home.

Written by: WKTN Staff

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