
HN’s Polar Bear Showcase Set for May 7

todayMay 2, 2024 36

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Hardin Northern will host the annual Polar Bear Showcase and Art Show on Tuesday, May 7, from 5:00-7:00 pm. 

The evening will feature the school’s Project Based Learning, instruction that is used to help students learn by actively engaging them in solving problems and answering complex questions. 

Students demonstrate their knowledge and skills by creating public products or presentations for a real audience. 

The event will feature student-led demonstrations and exhibits throughout the building, providing visitors with the opportunity to interact with students and see the academic work happening in the district. 

All grade levels will be involved, from kindergarten through senior high. 

In addition, artwork will be on display from various art classes. 

The event is free and open to the public.

Visit the Hardin Northern Local School District’s Facebook page for more information:

Written by: WKTN Staff

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