
Hardin County Ag Society Releases Minutes of October Meeting

todayOctober 4, 2024 150

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The Hardin County Agricultural Society met Wednesday, October 2 2024, for their October monthly board meeting.

Thirteen directors and sixteen guests were present.

Brad Murphy, Board President, called the meeting to order.

Ray Petty, representing the Hardin County Veterans, thanked the directors for allowing the veteran’s to use the Shelter House during the fair and letting them assist in the opening ceremony. Amanda Raines, Hardin County OSUExtension, introduced the new Extension Ag Resource Educator- Nick Baumer. Mayor Lynn Webb stated she wants to be more aware of what’s going on at the fairgrounds. Roger Crowe, Hardin County Commissioner, gave a contribution to start the new building project. Bruce Cahill was present to voice his concerns over the wording of documents for the Consignment Sale. Dan Middleton voiced his concerns about the electric not working correctly during the fair, which caused his AC in his camper to go bad. He was also not happy with the parking situation at his camp site.

Jack McBride read a letter from Ted Griffith, Buckeye Hybrids/Powell Seeds. Thank You notes were read from Lindsey Thompson, Jade Hale- Middlefield Bank, and Judge Steve Christopher, representing the Hardin County Recovery Court. A note was read from Melissa Austin, concerning the judging in the Arts/Crafts Building. The comments from a horse judge were also read- giving the horse show great reviews.

Judi Cronley, Treasurer, went over the financial report from the 2024 fair. It showed that the fair was a success.

Sherri Beale and Amanda Raines, JR Fairboard Advisors, stated the stuff the bus campaign was a success and the kids were able to give 100 students from Kenton, Ada, Hardin Northern, USV and Ridgemont school supplies.

Jake McFadden, Board Vice President, went over the Executive Committee minutes.

Brad Murphy discussed the latest Development Committee Meeting. Charlie McCullough and Christa Rarey moved to pay for a limited services agreement with the WDC group for consulting work on a new livestock complex for $17,590, plus reimbursables that are estimated at $1900. Motion passed unanimously. Then Roger Crowe stated the Hardin County Commissioners have agreed to pay for this.

Rob Wilson, Ground’s Chairman stated a major water leak has been repaired between the shelter house and the caretaker’s house. The West Grandstand steps have been rebuilt, so that project is now complete. The door project has started, with the Arts/Crafts building doors being replaced first. Winter storage began Oct. 1st and runs through the 2nd Saturday in April. Rates are the same as last year, vehicles are $30 per month. Boats, trailers, campers, etc. are $15 per linear foot.

Charlie McCullough, Camping chairman, stated their committee would like to make more spots in the East Camping area and upgrade more electricity in that area. Camping rates need to be addressed also.

Judi gave the show report from the fair. Overall the shows made money for the fair. Tyler Overly and Christa Rarey moved to have another country entertainer concert for the 2025 Hardin County Fair. Motion passed unanimously. Jake McFadden, representing the sponsorship committee, stated he would like to have 203 presenting sponsors for the concert. Those sponsors will be mentioned on all advertising material.

It was announced that livestock sale checks can be picked up in the Secretary’s Office this Saturday, Oct. 5th from 9am-12 noon, Saturday, Nov. 2nd from 3-6pm or during regular Secretary Office Hours Wednesday and Fridays from 9am-4pm (Oct. 9th- Nov. 22nd). Checks need to be cashed by the end of November or they will be voided. The livestock sale committee will meet in the fair office on Wednesday, October 16th at 6pm. Judi stated gross sales from the livestock sale was $786,836 and only $16,325 needs to be paid from 10 businesses. Steve Harpster went over the Sheep Committee’s report. The new livestock show schedule was given to everyone.

Brad Murphy, Rides/Concession’s Chairman, read the final report from Durant Ride Company. They had a good Hardin County Fair.

It was noted the advertising/sponsorship committee needs to meet to discuss their budget for next year.

Jessie Billenstein voiced her concerns about pictures during the livestock shows needing to be more readily available. She would like more photographers taking pictures and seeing them all posted. She would also like to see the champion boards updated during the fair with current winners.

The Reverse Raffle Committee stated it is now time to renew your ticket for the raffle. Guns have been purchased and the raffle is set for Saturday, Feb. 8th.

Under old business:

Petitions for the November Fair Board Director Election are due by Friday, Oct. 25th at 4pm. Up for election this year are 2 director at large positions and township positions are: Taylor Creek for a 2 year term and 3 year terms for Roundhead, Dudley, Washington, Goshen and Lynn. Anyone wanting to run for one of those director positions needs to come to the secretary’s office to pick up a petition by Friday, Oct. 18th at 4pm. $2 Membership tickets can still be purchased after first purchasing a season ticket until Friday, Oct. 11th at 4pm in the Secretary’s Office. You can still pick up your premium money for open class and Jr Fair in the Secretary’s office on Wednesday and Fridays from 9-4pm until Friday, November 22nd. Other possible dates are Saturday, Oct. 5th from 9-12 noon or Saturday, November, 2nd from 3-6pm.

Under new Business:

Rentals at the fairgrounds for October and November were discussed. There were 124 season tickets and 25 on ground’s parking permits purchased at the gates during the fair this year and 237 were purchased at the $31 rate.

Brad Murphy, Jack McBride, Dan Beale, Christa Rarey and Craig Decker agreed to help with the director election as clerks and judges. Daily attendance during the fair was up in attendance each day, except for Friday and that day was still very comparable to last year. Steve Harpster and Dan Beale moved to accept the fair dates for the 2025 fair being Sept. 2nd through Sept. 7th. Motion passed unanimously. Steve Harpster and Jake McFadden moved to accept the Ohio Dept. of Ag Fair’s Fund money report. Motion passed unanimously. The Outstanding Fair Supporter was discussed. This person will be honored during the Ohio Dept. of Ag. breakfast on Friday morning at the Fair Convention. Directors voted on two potential people and Amanda Raines won the nomination. Rob Wilson abstained from the vote, since Lori Wilson was also a nominee. The Fall District Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 23rd at 7pm, at the Auglaize County Fairgrounds. Jake, Judi and Jake stated they will be attending. It was noted the fairboard director election is scheduled for Saturday, November 2nd from 3-7pm in the Fair Office, with the Fairboard reorganizational and annual meeting to follow at 7:30pm in the Fair Office. Topics to be discussed and voted on at the annual meeting will be adding an article in the constitution for selling alcohol on the fairgrounds, the season ticket price struction and a requirement for new directors to have a background check done.

The next monthly fair board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 6th at 7pm in the Fair Office.


Written by: WKTN Staff

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