
Ag Society Releases Minutes of July 6 Meeting

todayJuly 8, 2022 92

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The Hardin County Agricultural Society met Wednesday, July 6, 2022, for their July monthly board meeting. Fifteen directors and fifteen guests were present.

Brad Murphy, Board President, called the meeting to order.

Roger Crowe, Hardin County Commissioner, stated they will be updating a memorial plaque that is on display at the Grandstand. It was also noted the commissioners are also helping pay for a majority of the recent paving project done on the fairgrounds.
Mark Badertscher, Hardin County OSU Extension, stated he is working on getting a date set for the annual carcass show.
Rabbit exhibitor families discussed some rabbit issues, the directors help resolve those concerns.
Jolene Buchenroth, Co-Chairwoman of the Royalty Committee, stated they wanted to add a prince and princess to the royalty contest. She was given the go ahead. Children that are between the ages of 5-8 as of January 1st will be eligible to sell tickets, with hopes of being the top salesperson to win prince and princess. More information on the process can be located on the Fair’s website at:

Amanda Raines, Hardin County OSU Extension, wanted to thank the fair board for allowing to hold a majority of their 4-H events at the fairgrounds. She also added there are skill-a-thon dates set for July 28th and August 4th from 1-7pm. Livestock help would be greatly appreciated. There are also $50 grants, which can be obtained through the Hardin County OSU Extension Office, to help anyone taking a project to the State Fair.

Craig Stump, Executive Committee Chairman, discussed the sound contract for John Siemon. Discussion was also held on the amount of free season tickets and day passes given out each year. It’s a total amount of $6,560 that is given in free tickets, to those who help the fairgrounds out during the year and during the fair.

Charlie McCullough, Chairman of the Development Committee, stated the new projected date for building a new building or buildings will be 2023.

Rob Wilson, representing the Ground’s committee, stated a work day is set for Saturday, August 6th at 8am. Trees will be planted after this year’s fair, to replace several trees that had to be cut down this year due to dying. Gammon’s Tree Service will be doing some tree trimming before this year’s fair. Tackett’s Fence Service will be installing some new chain-link fence and a gate, at a cost to be no more than $5,500. It was also noted an evacuation plan needs made, in case of emergencies during off season camping events.

Craig Stump, Camping Chairman, stated the Ohio Good Sam group is currently camping at the fairgrounds. They expect around 100 campers. The Ag Society made $6,615 from the National Cushman Club for camping during their event. Total made from their event was $10,215.

It was noted a judge is still needed for the JR Fair Dairy Show and now the JR Fair lamb show at 4pm on Wednesday. Contracts for other JR Fair Livestock show judges have been sent. Horse shot records are due by Friday, August 5th at 4pm in the Secretary’s office, if the horse is coming to the fair. Rabbit Tattooing is scheduled for Saturday, August 6, 9-11am. Stephanie Jolliff, representing the county FFA teachers, stated their groups would like to donate wheelbarrows with their money, they receive for having projects at the fair.

Brad Murphy, stated the on line application for vendor and concessions is still available on the Fair’s website. Having an ice truck at the fair was discussed and will be discussed further at the next board meeting. Since PEPSI will not be bringing their coolers to the fair this year, discussion was held on purchasing some small coolers for the restaurants under the grandstand. Director decided to purchase 10 units at a cost of $600 each. Brad also noted that the Hardin Northern Band Boosters will not be coming back to the fair after being present for 62 years. They just no longer have the man power to run their restaurant anymore. Discussion is in the works for another group to take over that restaurant.

Sherri Beale, JR Fair Board Advisor, stated their committees have been formed. Ribbons have been ordered and 2nd notices will be sent to those sponsors who haven’t paid for their ribbons and trophies.

Judi stated there are 2 sponsorships for the fair that haven’t paid their invoice yet.

The Fair Premium Book is now available on line only. Print copies will hopefully be available in the Secretary Office in the next couple of weeks.

Two new computers have been purchased for the secretary office. Jake McFadden asked if another printer for tickets should be purchased. He was given the OK to purchase another one.

Under new business:
The Emergency Management Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 17th at 6pm in the Grange Restaurant. The Arts/Crafts building will be set up for the fair after this meeting. JR Fair entries, for any JR fair exhibitor bringing something to the fair, has to be done by Sunday, July 31st. Open Class entries will start to be accepted on line August 1st. If someone needs assistance with your on line Open Class entry, they should stop by the fair office, when it starts to be open Monday –Friday starting on Monday, August 8th. This office will be open 9am-5pm. Season tickets, day passes and grandstand tickets can be purchased on line now. All tickets are being sold on line, like last year. Regular Fair work day for the fair, with the JR Fair Board, is scheduled for Saturday, August 20th, starting at 8:30am. The next Fair Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 3rd at 7pm in the Community Building.

Written by: WKTN Staff

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