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The Kenton Wildcats started slow, trying to get used to the lanes at Elida, but eventually found their groove, defeating Elida 2513 – 2373. The 1st individual games found the Wildcats behind by only 9 pins, 804 – 813, as Trevor Roesner rolled a 224. A 203 from Eban Albert and a 190 from Jesse Harrison helped Kenton regain the lead after the 2nd individual games 844 – 789. Kenton won 4 of the 5 bakers, including a 224 to put the match out of reac, 2513 – 2373.
Trevor Roesner had high series and high game 384 (224 – 160). Jesse Harrison was next with a 361 (158 – 203), and Eban Albert rolled a 351 (361 – 190)
The JV boys also defeated Elida. Parker Gierhart had high game and series 259 (93 – 166). Ben Dilts rolled a 249 (138 -111), and Parker Benson a 246 (98 – 148)
The Kenton Wildcats travel to Cooper’s Bowl Wednesday for their third match in 3 days to take on Marion-Harding @ 4:00pm
Written by: bbyrne
WKTN is a locally owned and operated radio station broadcasting from Kenton, Ohio since 1963.
Our broadcast covers Hardin County and into Allen, Auglaize, Hancock, Logan, Marion, Union, and Wyandot Counties including a majority of communities within.
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