
McGuffey Village Council Passes Water and Sewer Billing Ordinances and Appoints a Member to BPA

todayOctober 24, 2023 93

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McGuffey Village Council passed two ordinances dealing with adjusting water and sewer billing in the village at a special meeting held Monday evening.

The ordinances are aimed at allowing the village to waive additional fees and penalties that accumulate on unpaid water and sewer bills.

To this point, unpaid bills were assessed to vacant properties which could be a deterrent for someone considering buying the property and making improvements.

With the new ordinances, any new owner would only have to pay the actual unpaid balance and all fees and penalties will be waived.

Also at the meeting, Raymond J. Donnal was sworn in as a member of the Board of Public Affairs.

Donnal is running unopposed for the position in the November 7 election, and council decided that since he is going to take the position and be sworn in in January, it was best to get him started two months ahead of time.

You can view the meeting on the Village of McGuffey Facebook page:

Written by: WKTN Staff

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