
The Institute for Civics and Public Policy Launches Season 2 of un-CAPP it!

todayAugust 31, 2022 81

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ICAPP released the first episode of their podcast by catching their listeners
up on what happened over the summer and hinting at the rest of Season 2.

ADA, OHIO— Ohio Northern University students Hailey Trimpey and Kennedy Aikey are back to co-host season two of their podcast “un-CAPP it!”:

After taking a break for the summer, the students are eager to continue their goal of informing their listeners through their Gen-Z lens.

While at home, Trimpey and Aikey kept very busy. They discuss their internships in the legal profession mentioning how much they learned and how beneficial an internship can be to students such as themselves. They both feel that they received experience and education that could not have been possible otherwise. In addition, the co-hosts maintained jobs, prepared for law school, and tried to fill their summers with fun activities. While reminiscing, Trimpey states, “I feel like we were just freshmen in our orientation group.”

Aikey and Trimpey are then joined by the other ICAPP Fellows, Caleb Clayton and Andrea Hoffman where both shared their internship experiences as well. All are excited for what is in store for the ICAPP team this coming year. Clayton states, “I think there have been some interesting things happening over the summer and I’m ready to start diving into that with critical questions again.”

A whole new list of episodes will appear every other Monday and the ICAPP team is excited to discuss issues ranging from Mental Health to Gerrymandering to the Midterm Elections. Listeners also get the inside scoop on the guest that Aikey is most excited to have join them as well as a topic Trimpey feels is great for the public to gain some knowledge about.

The Institute for Civics and Public Policy (ICAPP) at Ohio Northern University is a non-partisan, education-based community of scholars dedicated to conducting high-quality research to support civic literacy and an informed understanding of public policies with a focus on those issues affecting citizens in the Industrial Midwest. ICAPP Fellows write Critical Questions to speak to topics affecting Americans in the present moment. Through their non-partisan analysis, they provide perspectives as students and political scientists.

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Written by: WKTN Staff

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