
Kenton-Hardin Health Department Issues Warning About Social Media Challenge

todayJune 5, 2023 492

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The Kenton-Hardin Health Department has issued a warning about a TikTok challenge recirculating on social media. The Benadryl Challenge first went viral in 2020 when the FDA issued a warning pertaining to the dangers of this challenge.

The challenge consists of an individual filming themselves while ingesting anywhere between 12-14 pills of over the counter Benadryl. It is believed that individuals are doing this to experience the toxicities of the side effects of the drug which include hallucinations. 

Recently in Ohio a 13 year old male teenager overdosed after attempting the challenge and later passed away after being transported for treatment at a hospital. The Kenton Hardin Health Department says there is no current antidote to reverse the toxic effects of Benadryl.

They remind parents and guardians to be aware of your children’s activities on social media and to talk to them about the dangers of this challenge.

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