
Kenton Lions Club Recently Held Their Regular Meeting: Christmas Parade, New Member, and More Discussed

todayOctober 4, 2024 149

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Photo: New member Sarah Shope-Helman was Introduced by her Sponsor, Lion Bill Keller and accepted into the Club after a reading by Lion President Lion Jason Vanbuskirk. Members then greeted her and welcomed her to the Kenton Lions Club.

The Kenton Lions club held its regular meeting on Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024 at the Kenton Elks.

The meeting was called to order at 6:26 pm by Lion President Lion Jason VanBuskirk with 22 members and one guest present. Lion President Lion Jason led the pledge and the prayer. The meeting was adjourned for a meal and called back to order by Lion President Lion Jason at 6:48 pm.

The Secretary’s and Treasurers reports were shared with members. Lion Bill Keller moved to accept both reports. After a 2nd by Lion Larry Gossard, motion passed.

Old business:

Sept. 21st Golf-Outing: Lion Tracy Anderson shared that 8 teams competed in the 2nd annual event. The event was able to bring in $2300 to the club. Lion Tracy led discussion on moving the date to May and the need to add more lions to plan and organize the event. Members discussed the positives of moving it to increase participation, the only concerns being the weather and High School Graduation events. Lion Brad moved to allow the Golf Outing Committee of Lion Tracy, Lion Brad Bailey, Lion Jason Howe and Lion Michael Hunt the authority to set the day in May 2025. After a 2nd by Lion John Siemen, motion passed.

Banners: Lion President Lion Jason reminded members to keep sharing the QR code and that we have 4-6 new banners orders and Lion Kirk Cameron reported that there are currently 5 renewals.

Pioneer Park Report:

Lion Joe Burbacher reported that the two ride-on “Spring” Horses, and a Teeter-totter have arrived and Lion President Lion Jason informed members about the installation process.  He also brought up dates for installation of the base/concrete and after discussion, Oct. 9th at 4:00 pm will be the date to dig the holes, mix up concrete and place the brackets. Members are encouraged to come and help with the many needs at the park. Lion President Lion Jason Recommended letting the bases set for at least a week before the equipment is installed.

GaGa Tournament/Night at the Park – Oct. 19th at 5:00 pm.    Lion Bill Keller is asking area businesses for the donation of hot dogs, buns and he has water available for the event. Electric power is being provided by Tim Castle who lives across from the south side of the Park. The City of Kenton is providing an outdoor projector and screen for the movie.

Christmas Parade November 26th:

Lion Judd informed members that there are 4 High School Bands participating and that he is in contact with a couple people on using one of two types of wagons for Santa. The KHS JROTC is set to help Lions with crowd control and parade line up.

Lions brought in additional non perishable food items for the Angels for the Elderly Auction on Oct. 5th starting at 12:00.

New business:

Lion Terry Burbacher informed members that Kelly Bostelman contacted her to ask the Lions to set up a table at the “First Friday’s” tailgate event put on by the Kenton Historic Courthouse District from 6-10 pm and held at Newland-Heydinger Insurance parking lot. After discussion, some members will be there to represent the Kenton Lions and have Membership Applications for potential new members.

Bowling with Santa – Lion Terry Burbacher asked members to mark their calendars for the annual event, this year to be held on Dec. 14th, from 2-4 pm at Hillcrest Lanes.

New Member: Sarah Shope-Helman was Introduced by her Sponsor, Lion Bill Keller and accepted into the Club after a reading by Lion President Lion Jason Vanbuskirk. Members then greeted her and welcomed her to the Kenton Lions Club.

The 50/50 was won by Lion John Siemon and donated back to the Club.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:46 pm. Followed by the singing of the Lions Roar.

Submitted By: Lion Secretary Rick Collins.


Written by: WKTN Staff

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